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resume in pdf

Morse Code Convertor created to answer a challenge on a FB group by a friend (practice in CSS,HTML,JS)

In lieu of an "actual" portfolio, here are some files that represent about 3 to 4 hours (total) of work on an SSRS report and a Power BI report, as it is my only recent reporting practice:

genre trends

The following is to show an ability to code in F# and assembly-language, as well as developing an algorithm for itoa which is over twice as fast as Microsoft's.

Timing of various methods of itoa; this shows that multiplication can be used instead of division to convert an integer to a string. It also shows that my version is faster than Microsoft's (msvcrt) version:
(x axis is iteration#, y axis is processor cycles per iteration)

This version shows the processor speeding up in steps:

A 2012 test result in TSQL: Brainbench SQL 2008 - #1 highest in WA state of 35 (#7 of 635 nationwide)